Access help for at home aged care

by Cardena Private Wealth

As you get older, bringing support into your home can help you to remain independent for longer and improve your quality of life. But understanding how to access aged care services can be hard to navigate, and the wait for government funded home care services can be long.

What’s important to know about finding home care services now?

People may qualify for government subsidised support to help cover the costs of home care, with a fee contribution income-tested. A home care package can range in value up to $57,542, with contributions between $3,829 and $16,504 based on assessable income and package level.

Recent news reports have highlighted the difficulty in accessing home care, with questions raised around long wait times, often up to 9 or more months, to access the home care packages people need.

These stories are true.

Additions to the government funded scheme are continuing to increase the number of home care packages, with the release of 40,000 new packages in 2021–22 and another 40,000 packages in 2022–23. Even so, the demand for aged care continues to be greater than the number of home care packages available.

In other words, for those wishing to retain their independence, there may be a long wait to access the necessary providers if you need the government to subsidise your home care package.

For those who do not qualify for a government funded home care package, or who simply can’t wait the time it takes to get assessed for aged care services, paying for private care is a realistic option.

Some might be able to use savings to fill the support gap while waiting for funding, or to top-up the amount of care received from the home care package.  

Unfortunately, some people who can’t wait, opt for a residential care service, or even respite care, as an alternative.

Most people wait until a crisis has happened (which may be already impacting their independence and lifestyle) before applying for home care services and support. The uncertainty around different living conditions can provide an adverse impact on the level of stress suffered - and consequently on their health. Ensuring you'll have the right aged care support services when the time comes gives people and their loved one's peace of mind.

What do you need to know to ensure your personal care is aligned with the lifestyle you want to live as you get older.

Firstly it's critical to understand how the process works for accessing a home care package. The steps below provide a quick overview:

  • Assessment – if you want the government to pay some of the cost for a provider, you need to contact MyAgedCare ( and arrange an assessment with an Aged Care Assessment Team/Service (ACAT/ACAS).
  • The wait – once you are approved, you will be added to the National Priority system for aged care services and wait for a support package to become available.
  • Do your research – While you are waiting, start to research home care providers and services in your area as you will need to choose a quality approved service to administer your package.
  • Package allocation - Read your mail carefully. When a support package becomes available you will be sent a letter with details on how to activate the package. You will have 56 days to get everything sorted.
  • Sign care agreement – Contact your chosen aged care provider and let them know that a package has been allocated. They will ask you to sign a home care agreement for their services and use the referral code in your letter to secure the package so your care can begin.

If you are thinking about what help you may need, don’t delay the decision to access care too long and don’t feel like you have to do this alone. We are here to help.